Grievances Redressal

S.No Committee Members
1 Dr.T.Veeramani, Principal Principle member
2 Dr.R.Hamsalakshmi, Associate Professor & Head, Department of Commerce Co-Ordinatore, ICC
3 Dr. G. Puvaneshwari, Assistant Professor & Head,Department of Tamil ICC- Member
4 Dr.A.R. Chithra, Assistant Professor Department of English ICC- Member
5 Mrs. P.Rani Thangam, Office Superintendent ICC- Member
6 Mrs. P. Pandiselvi –Managing Trustee, SEDO, Tirupur NGO
7 Mrs. Girija Advocate
8 Ms. Beslin Benitta Mol Student Representative

Internal Complaints Committee

Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) is constituted in the college as on 17.10.2023 with the aim of preventing sexual harassment in the institution. The Committee functions in accordance with the norms of The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013.


• To create awareness of the moral and legal issues of sexual harassment.
• To prohibit any physical, verbal or non-verbal sexual harassment.
• To take measures against any forms of gender based violence directed towards staff members and students.


• The internal complaints committee provides measures on women safety for teaching, non-teaching faculty and students.
• The committee prevents and prohibits incidents of sexual harassment of female employers and students in the college.
• Organizes Orientation programms to ensure organisation’s Anti – Sexual harassment policy with the provisions of the Law
• Displays notice and poster to spread awareness about the issue of “Sexual Harassment”.
• Takes immediate action if any case of sexual harassment is noticed or reported.
• Maintains confidentiality throughout the process.

Internal Complaints Committee members

S.No Committee Members
1 Dr.T.Veeramani, Principal Principle member
2 Dr.R.Hamsalakshmi, Associate Professor & Head, Department of Commerce Co-Ordinatore, ICC
3 Dr. G. Puvaneshwari, Assistant Professor & Head,Department of Tamil ICC- Member
4 Dr.A.R. Chithra, Assistant Professor Department of English ICC- Member
5 Mrs. P.Rani Thangam, Office Superintendent ICC- Member
6 Mrs. P. Pandiselvi –Managing Trustee, SEDO, Tirupur NGO
7 Mrs. Girija Advocate
8 Ms. Beslin Benitta Mol Student Representative